Private Schools - Ventnor
NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, entries are from Kelly's Street Directories of the year shown.
Banister Winifred & Effie (Misses)
1911 - private school, Elsinore, Alpine road
Belmont School
Boarders and Day Boys, between the ages of
7 and 14 1/2, prepared for the Public Schools and
the Royal Navy.
Prospectus from Rev. A. B. KIRKLAND, M.A.
Belmont School was in Southgrove Road - Rev. Kirland's obituary - IWCP 4 December 1943
In 1927 the Rev. A. E. Kirkland moved to the school to The Cliff, Shanklin - IWCP 9 October 1926
Benedictine Priory Ladies' School
1904 - Benedictine Priory Ladies' School, Steephill view, Castle road
1911 - Benedictine Priory of the Sacred Heart (D.M.J.E. Mohr O.S.B. lady prioress), ladies school Pax, Castle road
Carmarthen House
SPECIAL ATTENTION to delicate children.
House pleasantly situated close to the Downs.
Highest references.
Guppy William, boys' school
1898 - Schonberg villa, St. Boniface road
Leader Florence (Miss)
1898 - private school, Frobel house, Newport road
Littleton School
1939 - mention of Littleton School in connection with Animal Welfare Week - (Isle of Wight County Press - 13 May 1939, p 5)
1951 - Littleton School, Walton house, Belgrave Road, Mrs. Clare Pirret & Mrs. M. Kenny, principals)
1968 - mention of the scholars of Littleton School presenting a play (Isle of Wight County Press - 27 July 1968, p 15)
Morben Lodge
1898 - Hansen & Pauley (Misses), ladies' school, Morben lodge, Steephill road
1904 - Park Road, Hansen Jeannette & Pauly Adelheid Misses, ladies' school
1911 - Scrivener Alice (Miss), ladies' school, Morben lodge, Park avenue
Smith Sarah Ann (Miss), ladies' school
1898 - 3 St. Boniface gardens, St. Boniface road
1911 - Smith Sarah Ann (Miss), ladies' school, 3 St. Boniface gardens, St. Boniface road
Stride Florence (Miss), ladies' school
1898 - St. Boniface, Newport road
Townsend Raymond, boys' school
1898 - High street & 2 Aldgate terrace, Clarence road
Underwath, St Lawrence
Isle of Wight.
MR. E. F. SHEPHERD, M.A., Oxford (married),
receives a few boys as boarders or weekly
boarders. Individual care and tuition. Large house
and grounds, about five minutes' walk from the new
St. Lawrence Railway-station. References to parents
of past and present pupils and others. Prospectus on
application. - Address Underwath, St. Lawrence,
Isle of Wight.
Ventnor College
1927 - Dudley Road, Frederic Charles Yates Smith, principal
Full Staff of Graduates & Registered Teachers.
Physical Culture Mistresses and Master.
For Illustrated Prospectus apply to
Mr. or Mrs. F. C. Y. SMITH,
Registered Teachers, Members of the
College of Preceptors.
CHAS. GREEN, B.Sc. (Inter.).
Wells Grace (Miss), private school
1911 - 4 St. Boniface flats, Newport road
Wheeler Ada L., private boarding school
1927 - The Mount, Park avenue
Williams Henry Denton Montague, boys' school
1898 - West view, Zigzag road