Winstone Brick Works, Wroxall

From Wightpedia
Winstone Brick Works Wroxall 1898 map
Winstone Brick Works - 1898 map

The Winstone (sometimes 'Winston') Brick Works was situated next to the railway between Shanklin and Wroxall, adjacent to Winstone Farm and had its own railway siding. The works seems to have operated between about 1867 and 1902 (the siding and kilns etc are not shown on the 1907 OS map).

TO BE LET, at Winstone, near Wroxall,
Isle of Wight, with immediate procession, a
BRICKYARD, with unlimited supply of good brick
earth, near the Ryde and Ventnor Railway. Plant to be
taken at valuation. – For further particulars apply to Mr.
R. H. Smith, Winstone Farm, Wroxall, Isle of Wight
Hampshire Independent – 16 February 1867

The brick yard was opened (re-opened ?) later in 1867 by Mr. Pritchard as reported in the Isle of Wight Observer on 6 July 1867

On Wednesday last a number of gentleman connected
with the trade of the Island dined together at the
Marine hotel, Shanklin, on the invitation of Mr. Prit-
chard, who has just enlarged the sphere of his comer-
cial operations by the opening of the above establish-
ment, where unquestioniably a very large business will
in future be conducted, this being one of the advantages
that naturally flow from railway communication, and
which, in the hands of a spirited capitalist, must pro-
duce business, and thereby confer benefit on the whole
neighborhood. Mr. Wadham, of the Marine hotel, fully
proved his capability to supply a first-rate dinner, as
every delicacy of the season was served up in excellent
order; indeed, it was a general remark that visitors to
this favourite spot may do far worse than call at the
Marine hotel. The chair was occupied by Mr. Pritchard,
Mr. Learmonth filling the vice-chair; and in due course
the usual loyal toasts were drunk. To that of the Army,
Navy, and Volunters.
…. The guests whom Mr. Pritchard invited on
the occasion were gentlemen from various parts of the
Island, all of whom expresses their decided opinion that
the speculation would be an advantage to the district
and highly remunerative to Mr. Pritchard. We can
only add that in these sentiments we heartily concur.

In 1873, Mr. Pritchard seems to have wanted to sell some products and let the Brickyard as this newspaper advert indicates (it also suggests another brickyard at Wroxall):

To Contractors, Builders, and others.
Sale of 1,000,000 Bricks.
by AUCTION, on FRIDAY, September 26th,
BRICKS, also FANCY and other TILES, the pro-
erty of Mr. Pritchard, lying at Wroxall and Win-
stone, adjoining the Isle of Wight Railway, from
which there are sidings to both yards, thus affording
great facility for removal, and being two miles from
Ventnor, two from Shanklin, four from Sandown, 10
from Ryde, and seven from Brading Quay, whence
goods can be shipped to any part at small cost.
The above will be sold in lot’s of 10,000, and ap-
proved bill at three months’ date will be taken in
payment, from purchasers of £50 and upwards.
The sale will commence at the Wroxall yard at 2
p.m. precisely.
The Brickyards at Wroxall and Winstone to be
LET on lease. For particulars, apply to the Auc-
Isle of Wight Observer 20 September 1873

In early 1887, Alfred Smith (probably the farmer at Winstone Farm), advertised to let the brickyard.

BRICKYARD – to let, at Winstone, with siding
from I.W. Railway; immediate procession, if
required. Plant, &c., may be taken at valuation. –
Apply ALFRED SMITH, Winstone, Wroxall, I.W.
Isle of Wight County Press 9 April 1887

Mr. Pritchard advertised to sell the brickyard later in 1887.

WINSTON BRICK-YARD – for sale, with
sidings and plant. – For further details
apply to Mr. PRITCHARD, King’s Head Hotel, San-
down. I.W.
Isle of Wight County Press – 10 September 1887

Job advert Isle of Wight County Press - 24 September 1898.

ENGINE DRIVER wanted at Winstone Brick-
works. – Apply George Hayles, contractor,

Job advert Isle of Wight County Press - 9 June 1900.

BRICK Moulders wanted at once, best price given,
- Apply George Hayles, Shanklin, or Foreman,
Winstone Brick-works.

In 1902 an auction was held to sell all the equipment (and pony) when George Hayles closed the brickyard.

About 1 mile from Wroxall and 2 ½ miles from
670 wood hack covers, 400 wood lews, crowding and
off-bearing barrows, a large quantity of wheeling
plates, iron pug mill, a Bedford portable brick-
making machine for steam power, with improved
side delivery, cutting-off table for eight bricks, dies,
&c., in complete working order and capable of
making 15,000 bricks per day, 2000ft. run of railway
metal, 200ft. run of bridge rail, one set of siding
points with fish plates, dog spikes, &c., quantity of
sleepers, kiln boards, sheets of corrugated iron,
firewood, old iron, &c.; also a useful grey mare, a
good worker.
FRANCIS PITTIS AND SON are instructed by
Mr. George Hayles, who is closing the works,
to Sell by Auction, on the premises, of FRIDAY,
MARCH 14, 1902, at 2 o’clock, the above BRICK-
Isle of Wight County Press - 8 March 1902