Workhouse (House of Industry)
The House of Industry at Parkhurst, then in the parish of Carisbrooke, was built in 1771 as the 'workhouse' for the whole of the Island. It was administered by a Board of Guardians appointed for each parish, the board also administered 'out relief' for the poor within each parish.
The Burial Ground connected with the Workhouse contained the remains of those who died at the Workhouse and Hospital between 1774 and 1930 and whose bodies were not claimed by friends/relatives for removal for burial etc elsewhere. The records of those buried here are incomplete. The site of the Burial Ground has been developed in modern time with the building of the Seven Acres unit attached to St. Mary's Hospital. A memorial to those buried here was erected in 2013 when this list of those recorded as buried here was compiled.
Today (2018) the site is part of St Mary's Hospital.